Even piercing 101

17:15 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Tammy of science Hill, Kentucky

Okay so I really my stomach not pass through me. But I mean to do it for me friend. It damage not really so bad. I think he should be a piercer, because it was perfect. I went online, before I the piercing Act and got all the information I could. Again and again I saw videos of professional Piercers online. I have also my friend look at all the things that I had found online. I would pierced me, but it's a bit of a strange angle on a needle in stick. I have pierced in other parts of my body and had no problems. I would really like to have a job as a piercer, but I don't know how to get professional piercing in the field. I was smart and bought a piercing needle, brackets, and a starter belly ring, where the most Piercers get their equipment. All of my stuff has been sterilized, they were preserved in the autoclave and the medical sterilization bags. Once the piercing was over, I managed the piercing by soaking it in a sea salt water Solutiondaily and I washed it once a day. I have my piercing for a year, and I am very happy with it. It took about 6 months to fully heal. I used also H20cean which is a very wonderful product. It is a saline, which give you many Piercers if you get pierced. It helps the body heal faster, therefore ideal for piercings. I prefer plastic belly rings. You are called also Bioplast or Bioflex. I prefer this over surgical steel, because I have bad reactions on metal. Although the most stomach-rings say they are 100% medical stainless steel, I get are still bad reactions. So is the way to go. And Yes, Bioplast can be sterilised in an auto Clave. I love my piercing and challenge anyone to get a belly piercing.

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