The scoop on sunburn
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One minute you're lying on the beach, the next you're red as a lobster! Sunburns are uncomfortable - and they can also be dangerous. Having just six sunburns in your life can increase your risk of getting melanoma (a type of skin cancer) by 50%! If you've already been burnt (by the sun), here are tips on how to deal. And next time - don't forget the sunscreen!
Feeling the Burn
If you're laying out in the sun and your skin starts to sting or feel sensitive or tender, you're getting burned! Get indoors or in the shade ASAP or cover up with long sleeves, long legs and a hat!
Soothe that BurnIf you're already fried, soothe your skin with a washcloth soaked in cold black tea or skim milk. Sounds weird, but the (ironically named) tannic acid in the tea will calm the inflammation, and the protein in milk will help heal your skin. Aloe vera gel can also help soothe the burn. Another tip: avoid tight clothes as they just make sunburns feel worse.
Drink H2OGetting a bad burn drains your body of water, so be sure to keep drinking fluids when your skin is burned. Keep a water bottle near you to sip on: it will help the inflamed redness of your burn go down.
Not Too Late to MoisturizeWhen the peeling starts it can be so tempting to pick and peel away the flaking skin. Try to resist it, because it could cause further damage to your healing skin. Instead, apply a calming and simple moisturizer to the healing areas to aid your skin in it’s renewing process. After your skin isn’t so sensitive, getting a moisturizer with antioxidants in it will help to rejuvenate your skin and keep visible damage from happening.
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neitra wrote:
i get sunburn ndd im black....well im very light....
commented: Wed Jun 22, 2011

skittles barbie99 wrote:
i have one right in between my legs):
commented: Wed Jun 22, 2011

milly99 wrote:
Hello. if you dont want a sunburn just put sunblock on dont be stupid.
commented: Wed Jun 22, 2011
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