Top 5 lamest summer jobs

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No matter how desperate you are for cash this summer, there are just some jobs you should stay away from. Check out Kidzworld's top five picks of the lamest summer jobs around!
School JobsYou just finished another year of school and started your summer vacation - so why would you go back there? Any job that requires you to be back in the classroom, like helping your art teacher sort out supplies or giving the custodian a hand with removing graffiti from the walls, is pretty lame if ya ask us.
Lemonade StandLemonade stands may have made you some money back in the day when your grandma was a kid, but these days, you'll be lucky if the neighborhood dog comes over for a drink! How much money can you expect to make sellin' lemonade at 10 cents a glass? Maybe a couple dollars at the most. You'll probably end up drinkin' it all yourself as you wait for customers to come over, but they'll just walk on by, sippin' on their water bottles and cups of Starbucks coffees.
Lame-o-nade Stand
The last thing you want to do during your summer vacation is read another book, much less look at one. You'll have plenty of time to pore through textbooks come September, so stay away from workin' in a library - unless of course you want to read books. Then props to you for expanding your mind while many of us would rather be brain-dead all summer long.
Skilled JobsWho wants a job that requires an extreme amount of concentration and focus, especially during the summer when it's so hot and all you're thinkin' about is heading down to the beach as soon as your shift is over? Don't bother getting a job in a doctor's clinic or lawyer's office cuz you'll only strain your brain.
Family BusinessesWhether it's helping out at the family restaurant or construction business, working for your parents is really lame. Not only will they take on parental duties, but they'll also be your bosses, which means double the nagging! They'll be on your tail about doing a good job at work, as well as home stuff like, "Did you take out the garbage before coming to work?" and "Remember to head straight home after work to babysit your baby sister." Lame.
Related StoriesHow to Find Your First Summer Job!Summer Job IdeasSummer Job Dress CodeMore Summer Job Info! readers voted! Love23Hate20 Comments
apple1234 wrote:
commented: Wed Aug 11, 2010

nobleprincess99 wrote:
I am confused because in another article you(AKA kidzworld) you said a good way to make...
commented: Tue Jul 27, 2010
SwampMonsterDiddy wrote:
i love colvin && hobbes!!
commented: Tue Jul 20, 2010
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