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2:02 Publicado por Mario Galarza

OK, so in August of this year I need to clarify my insurance, i.e. renew or cancel and elsewhere to look for.

I went last year in August and went only my mum and dads got a bit so just as a named driver. A few weeks I go 5/7 days and some weeks I drive 1/7 days. As I see it is if I do 2,000 miles and my mom and dad 4000-5000 miles should stay I a named driver.

So I paid £ 1100 for year August 2010-August 2011
Monthly payments of £ 132

As always in the going to his life at home and drive or always train to University. I was considering buying cars from - my parents who allow and Obvs always insurance in my own name. I have recently offers only to see how much I would look at and I was always quotes 1200-1450 give or take. Now before I looked in exactly same rate and 1950 and all the details are the same. WTH happened.

Basically what in the asking is if I use to drive my parents car, 4 days a week but still less miles, am University of I are called ok driver? What would happen if I had an accident someday? Insurance or would not pay?

Sorry for long post. Only that when I called driver will remain it £ 1000 for years and, if in my name on £ 1950 so much difference be about.

Things become clear. The car is bought my fathers, as he and it has. My mum also it drives. Sister is provisional also claims. All of this will happen yet.

Mama works different layers as a medic, so that their use will vary each week. A couple of weeks I have account everday. A few weeks in the lucky to get 1 day in it. My father used it mostly all weekend and evenings as he has work to use company cars.

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