What is how Manchester's PPE?

13:14 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Hi all

I'm agonizing over the final choice between Manchester and York for PPE. I am currently in the direction of York flip, because:

(1) known for PPE, large school
2. good teaching
3. apparently better Rep, but there is no real difference, and I'm not
4. York City is historic and beautiful

but much to Manchester's program have collected not. I'm afraid:

1. large University may be less small group teaching and personal contact
2. PPE such as not primarily a large Department in york
3. Philosophy and politics (the I to want to specialize in) not so strong


1. City campus is so much more done
(although I think I'd Campus University in the face of everything else equal... have preferred)
2. less concrete architecture
(3) This is the point. Lower entry request so a safer choice.

Can someone give some details about the program? I think I am more scientists than uni experience (because both look good). How were you compare it with York?
and Manchester still so amazingly taken away the night-life factor? I am not very keen on parties, etc...

Last edited by Schlegel; Ago at 14: 32: 37 minutes.

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