Surface piercings

9:30 Publicado por Mario Galarza

There are many different types of surface piercing. These piercings follow a channel that is the level of a flap of skin anywhere on the body, rather than piercing directly through the skin tissue where thin enough in the concave or convex following.
Hip piercing - Steph Blackwire - profile

Surface piercings are becoming increasingly popular with anti-eyebrows, neck piercings and hip piercings and popularity always growing many others Microdermal becoming anchor.

Sometimes surface piercings are difficult to heal because of jewelry to the surface, is like refusing the body the body jewelry as a foreign body, which the piercing pushed 'grow out', but proper placement and jewellery selection by an experienced body piercer help can alleviate this problem.

Corset piercing, a series of bilaterally symmetrical piercings, normally done on the back, to be put together like a corset.

Madison piercing, a horizontal piercing directly over the clavicle at the base of the neck.

Vertical of Tragusto the ear by the Tragus.

Monroe piercing on BrokenDancer - profileneck piercing, located on the back of the neck.

Neck piercing, on the side of the neck. (Also known as ' Vampire bites')

Hip piercing, Bone is located on the basin near the hips.

Hand Web piercing, located in the webbing between the fingers on the hand.

Sternum piercing, located vertically or horizontally on the sternum.

Wrist piercing, on or close to the wrist, generally on the top is.

Anywhere on stomachstomach piercing is but usually near the navel.




Anti-eyebrow piercing

Because the body naturally reject foreign body piercings reactions have surface during healing. Do not rub or interfere with the new surface, penetrate, and follow the aftercare advice from your Piercist. Personal factors such as general health and blood flow skin type play an important role in whether or not a surface piercing is rejected.

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