Mathematics and Economics at the LSE

0:43 Publicado por Mario Galarza

One of my friends decided finance and accounting in the second year of mathematics and economics. He has complained that mathematics LSE very difficult on LSE.
My friend has 98% of GCE AS / A2 mathematics, 96% for the more math and 92% for economy
But I do not understand why he difficulties.
Can you please tell me do most of the math and Econ students graduated in the same way?
Most students math and Econ, have put their studies Abd have less time to the chat and take part in additional Curriculars that most of the time?
My friend also complained that most students of mathematics and Econ is trials and GAT bad notes that true?
Hey Saya abstract mathematics is really difficult.

Guys can you please give em a Answe to these questions, because I also am pleased, in LSE bring to to do the same course.

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