What language should I study for GCSE a year?

1:17 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Foreign languages discussion, revision, testing and homework help. Old 41 Minutes ago: 26 August 2011 02: 08 what language should I study for GCSE a year? Hi all
Okay, that's the situation:
I have just year 10. My school offers French and German for GCSE. Stupid, I chose French but not German, and as I have a natural talent for languages that I should have to choose German as well as French rather than the choice of business studies (the worst GCSE-choice).
I have taught myself Spanish in the last 9 months and the Spanish GCSE privately with AQA in a year, in an A *, I, entered and I want another teach me this year, but I know not, choose.

I can not choose one from you:
French - do at GCSE anyway
German - choose for GCSE, so that the school does not allow, that I use it
Spanish - completed in a year reach A *.
Italian - offered for GCSE in sixth form, so I will do now that, because I want to take it then
Russian - grammar is too heavy for me

What is your inspiration?

Old18 Minutes ago: 26 August 2011 02: 31 Re: which language should I study for GCSE a year? Gotta love little French!

Now, if you one of these languages, which you listed then maybe for dead languages such as Latin (which are much easier bearing in mind that you learn already 2 Romance languages) go or even ancient Greek, if you a bit of a challenge to.

Also, there is always the possibility, a Chinese and Japanese languages, but it is unlikely that you will learn you do much at all if just it to the level of GCSE, bearing in mind how hard are these languages compared to European languages, but also in any case, if you want a little then could a challenge, also.

Otherwise bear in mind that the testing motherboards provide only a limited number of languages, only you could a gander on any language at all, there are loads and loads of resources online. You need not be a qualification in a language for it useful.

Good luck with depending on what you choose at the end!

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