How do I get in University if I don't go to the collage?

How do I get in University if I don't go to the collage?

A place for general questions and discussions about University. Old 58 Minutes ago: 30 June 2011 15: 07 Re: How do I get in University if I don't go to the collage? Yes, you can do, Foundation courses, where you do get one additional year to scratch. Have a look at and see what your last.

It is a lot of time and money, so be sure that there no better options open to you without a degree.

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Technical medical officer

Technical medical officer


I have just recently graduated BSc BioMed SCI and so I currently search laboratory service trainee posts, but since they so are rare, I lab look forward to all other hospital/research positions as.

I came across vacancies for medical technical officer that is similar to MLA of the job description, but seems to hold more responsibility.

The person spec, States that the applicant two years laboratory experience, well, I studied (and was unsuccessful in obtaining a work placement) the only lab experience I have to is the University.

Am I in the think that correct lab experience during my three year degrees are not enough to secure this order?

Last edited by (","); 1 Hour ago 14: 50.

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A level subjects of medicine/pharmacy

A level subjects of medicine/pharmacy

Discussion for A level students, including the VCEs study and for those you select their A-level subjects. Old 17 Minutes ago: 30 June 2011 15: 48 Re: A-level topics for medicine/pharmacy really, where requires biology in chemistry?UCL
Barts & the London
Brighton & Sussex

All above mentioned it at at least require.

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Apply by recruitment agency

Apply by recruitment agency

Hi all

I have just an e-Mail from recruiters, have told me my qualifications and experience match that I have applied the requirements of the job and they have sent my CV and CL directly to the company.

I now have the contact information of the company. It would be wise, call them and find out if they have received my application? Or I should just sit down as the e-Mail also says that it contacts me, if they want to take your application further.

That is for a trainee accountant position, why I have posted here.

Thank you very much


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Comprehensive users lead to the Belly Piercing: part 4

Comprehensive users lead to the Belly Piercing: part 4

The user guide for Belly Piercing: part 4: BodyCandy body jewelry blog body {background-image: URL (;} Background-color: # e5e5e5; Background-position: top left; Background-attachment: Scroll; {Background-repeat: repeat-X;}# featured images Rotator {background: url('');}}# Featured image rotator, # featured image rotator-wrapper {width: 780px;} Height: 200px; {Text-align: left;}# featured images Rotator container .featured images link-overlay {height: 200px;} Width: 780px; Position: absolute; Top: 0; {Display: block;}# featured images Rotator container .featured-images-link {text-decoration: none;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay {width: 780px;} Position: absolute; bottom: 0; Text-align: Center; Padding: px; {Display: block;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay-header {width: 100%;} Color: # ff0000; {Font-size: px;}# featured images Rotator container .featured images title overlay subheading {width: 100%;} Color: # ff0000; {Font-size: px;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay-header {padding-bottom: px;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay-header a {color: # ff0000;} Font-size: px; {Line-height: 1;}# one featured images Rotator container .featured images title overlay subheading {color: # ff0000;} Font-size: px; {Line-height: 1;}Users comprehensive Jun24The lead to the Belly Piercing: part 4by Lorna

Even if it is cured, a piercing, only a few months old is prone to irritation, can be especially in the stifling heat of the summer.  Dangling belly rings with fancy large designs or long decorative are easy on clothes, towels, trapped and only God knows what else, so sticking with simplicity seems the way to go.  In, the mind (because I know how hard choose a simple banana Bell can be and seem like bland regular belly rings), I have decided some evidence, some style, that he simply this season while still in the stylish share.  Are you ready?

The comprehensive lead users to the Belly Piercing part 4: summer belly ring style guide

Would you like some summer belly rings, which are subtle for day without boring?  We've covered it.  There are three things with a worry-free standard belly ring, that style to do to is set high you without: lights or sparkle, go for natural gems add or spiral-it up.

Sparkle and Shien Belly Rings

A little shimmer keeps your body jewellery fall flat while still persist, that effortless simplicity, and opt for a spiral barbell, rather than a banana Bell adds interest to the design without dangling items, the activities it could get caught.

Spiral Twister Style Belly Rings

Also, natural stone belly rings are not only a big trend right now, but they are friendly eco-friendly, skin and improve all look with beautiful organic tones.  Hot sounds now: ducks, turquoise and foam (perfect for the summer, because they mimic the Ocean).

Natural Stone Belly Button Rings

For special occasions on which wanted a dead belly ring? Go you for something that shows a playful spirit with light, summery colours and are looking for you after dangling, which include elements of sea, Sun, flowers or anything that you feel summer is.  The idea is to throw a seasonal reference, without always cartoony or even extravagant.

Belly Rings With Dangles

And the perfect belly ring for a summer beach party or a hot night?  Neon or glows in the dark.  Neon rings are belly super fun for warm nights out, if you to be your belly at the center of attention and Spice the pop of color, which can add them either up a solid white or black ensemble or lighten and improve an already colorful look.  And if you are out on the beach or Campfire under clear, dark night sky glow the dark belly rings are an awesome accessory that is sure to get noticed.  Party time!

Glow in the Dark Belly Button RingsNeon Belly Button Rings


Categories: Abdomen fashion jewelry information piercings, body, fashion jewelry, party jewelry and piercing aftercare leave information here to cancel a ReplyClick answer.

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My random spontaneous day!

My random spontaneous day!

Cassie from Florida

I wanted to have my abdominal pierced since I was 17. My parents agreed, when I was 18 I could. Many things happened and it is not as planned. Now, I'm now 20. I felt spontaneously and randomly one day with my fiancee and we were in Daytona Beach and I decided he as a souvenir for my day, I would done it. The small piercing booth was right, so we went there and explore. She sent us the actual Studio removes 1 mile and 1 / 2. I was freaking out. I absolutely hate needles. The piercer was big and a bit cute. The guy has the points, so that he could even get it. Then I put on the Chair. I told him not to see the needle can be. I was freaking, I wanted my fiancee next to me. Finally, I think, I the man annoyed enough had come to hold my hand my fiancee. He told to take a deep breath, he will be one to three and I will be out-breath. So I did that. It hurt really bad. But I decided to save his eardrum and not cry. Next thing I know that he was done, and I was standing up. He thoroughly went process Thrugh care and cleaning, and I was on the way. I bought my first belly ring that day. It took 3 and 1/2 weeks to heal enough for a change.

Visit belly button rings guide shop.

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Stretch your piercing: strange new trend or cultural habit for centuries

Stretch your piercing: strange new trend or cultural habit for centuries

Stretching your piercing: weird new trend or cultural habit for centuries: BodyCandy body jewelry blog body {background-image: URL (;} Background-color: # e5e5e5; Background-position: top left; Background-attachment: Scroll; {Background-repeat: repeat-X;}# featured images Rotator {background: url('');}}# Featured image rotator, # featured image rotator-wrapper {width: 780px;} Height: 200px; {Text-align: left;}# featured images Rotator container .featured images link-overlay {height: 200px;} Width: 780px; Position: absolute; Top: 0; {Display: block;}# featured images Rotator container .featured-images-link {text-decoration: none;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay {width: 780px;} Position: absolute; bottom: 0; Text-align: Center; Padding: px; {Display: block;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay-header {width: 100%;} Color: # ff0000; {Font-size: px;}# featured images Rotator container .featured images title overlay subheading {width: 100%;} Color: # ff0000; {Font-size: px;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay-header {padding-bottom: px;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay-header a {color: # ff0000;} Font-size: px; {Line-height: 1;}# one featured images Rotator container .featured images title overlay subheading {color: # ff0000;} Font-size: px; {Line-height: 1;}Jun25Stretching your piercing: strange new trend or cultural habit of CenturiesBy Morgan

If you guess a strange new trend, stop please they read not.  I know that I and many other similar statements have heard, "Why you do something so weird" "what the point is you do to look".  Now, for this point I will ignore the obvious answers and bust out historical insights for you on the trendsetters, who started this whole idea of stretching piercings in the body.

It is known that piercing in General be started thousands of years ago; Remains with earring were tires go back over 1500 years before the birth of Christ found.  It was also popular not long stretch.  Already in the time of the Egyptian pharaohs, people were their ears and of septum measure known.  So what we been so far?  For arguments, weirdo may extend already getting around.  Here is the relevant information.

Gauges Made of Natural Horn

Starting with the Egyptians: not only has the Pharaohs have often stretched cloth, they were the only entitled.  A sign of their nobility and the weight of their ornamentation was to enable such strain, with the wealth and status.  This was a trend across the region; Process a sign that a person was good or a high standing member of the society was the pain and the cost of operation.

Resin Plugs With Real Insects

Now the counter point here is that it is strange or odd.  While the Egyptian pharaohs fill your ears with large hard drives were used, the Mayans on the other side of the world of cloth stretched ears and nose bones as a symbol of both their religion and abilities in combat.  The larger of the bones (and I my actual bones), the more the Warrior or more quality experienced his skills.  In South Africa it was the lower lip, which often pierced and stretched call status in the tribe or in women's case, the number of children they had, and helped to increase along with the cloth to those.

Gauges Made From Real Bone

Also in the tribes of Papua carved new Guinnea which never made contact with the modern world, until the 1980s, the chiefs first with modern people contact clear the most laps, the most piercings and the biggest piece of had bones had performed by his septum.  These people have traditions below as follows since passed before history itself, and are managed as part of their society and structural class.

Piercing and stretching are not a fad or a fashion style modern designed and ready to fade away, it's a human habit that no matter where in the world or in the history you are heard of the company.  After at least 3 thousand years, were the only real changes in the materials, the we (how to use bio-plastic and acrylic which are only recently, things to come) and in technological advancements such as dermal anchors and the ability to craft more complex piercings.

Gauges With Real Natural Stone

Who knows, maybe one day a Government or of Congressional leaders, meeting room wearing their plug with pride on the floor we see.

Categories: Body art and extreme change, body jewelry history, body fashion jewelry information, body jewelry materials, jewelry, ear-piercing Plug and gauging, fashion, unisex jewellery can be a ReplyClick here to cancel reply.

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It took a while....

It took a while....

By Joshulyn, Morrow, GA.

It all began almost 3 years when I was 12 and I thought that a belly ring was so cool. I asked my mother, one I could if I 16 and they said that she will think about it.

Fast forward as in the 14th century. It came in March the blue say, that I could get it done. I was excited, thinks that I it that Saturday could get. But the days and weeks passed, and I still havent gotten it yet. So if I was looking for out of school for summer I to places I could go, it's done. Then I was my mother Sunday on the day before Memorial day she asked from work to see whether I could get it done. She said yes.

Had said on Monday (Memorial Day) my mother take a ride with me, and she drove me to a tattoo shop. We signed the papers and I took a silver belly bar with red diamonds. My birthstone, then he went to sterilize it. After a few minutes of went told me and my mother at the back to come. I laid down on this doctor such as bed or table, what is it, and he cleaned from my belly button. He was then selected the Needleready. All, I felt that was the needle go and what you know, was next, my mother, as "don't you cry AWW." I like my belly ring, but I can hardly wait to change it.

Visit belly button rings guide shop.

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Newark Hall Jubilee campus!

Newark Hall Jubilee campus!

Hello to all!

I am currently a second year in Nottingham University he history and art history. In the first year I was in Newark Hall on the Jubilee campus. It was literally the best year of my life! Met so many great people could not matters, something more!

If any living Hall 2011-2012 of you guys out there in Newark does not hesitate to ask questions! I will definitely try to reply! I'm going to be during Freshers week next academic year, so it would be great to get to know some of you in advance.

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Any ideas for work exp. ? I can for my personal statement for science

Any ideas for work exp. ? I can for my personal statement for science

  Any ideas for work exp. I can for my personal statement for Science? What kind of things would be good to do this summer in preparation for the physical science course in Cambridge? I really have no ideas and have a lot of free time so perhaps something think.

Would be nice if all current students could tell, what kind of things that they have and wrote about in their personal statements that interviewer liked.

And finally really the significant are to get an interview or Cambridge personal statements rely on the SAQ and the grades.

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Rep system

Rep system

His Rep-level of the user. = rep # faq_what_are_rep_levels

2 at the time of this post is me so I you + 2 for pos-Rep and 2 for neg rep can give.

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WHAT IS THIS BAG? (Men from a movie)

WHAT IS THIS BAG? (Men from a movie)

Hey, I need help from a fashion guru. I saw this bag on no conditions attached and I just don't for the life of me find it


Sorry if this is wrong in the section and thank you for anyone who can help

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International business immigration requirements

International business immigration requirements

Hello people!

In the from Austria and have done so only my exam over here. As we in Europe still a bit old-school and conservative, I will be Conscribed after the summer holidays, which means, I'll have a "gap year" kinda.

Study here is not so exciting (overflow of unis, poor standards, etc..) I think in other countries to go, especially Scotland would be great (great culture, beautiful landscape, nice ppl, great Scottish ).

I would like to study at the University of Edinburgh "International business", but I'm not sure if my marks are. In fact, I am afraid that they will not:

Mathematics: C
German: B
English: A
Latin: A
Geography and economies (a theme): A

I had some bad luck in my math tests. As u see, my Intersectionis not so bad, that (at least I think so), but I fear my poor mark in mathematics is my plans spoil.

Now my questions:

Do I a chance get a space in Edinburgh, even though I have a bad mark in mathematics? If not in Edinburgh, perhaps in Dundee, Scotland or elsewhere in Scotland (I know, this is the Forum of the Edin, but perhaps someone knows)?

If I would start in Austria and decide to switch to a Scottish University, would pay for example after a year of SAAS yet my tuition fees? Don't want to seem like a Sponger - the thing is, studies in the United Kingdom is very expensive in terms of Germany or Austria.

I hope that I in the right forum and in the already excited to have posted about some answers!

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Nose ring sizing: How to make a perfect fit

Nose ring sizing: How to make a perfect fit

Nose ring sizing: How to make a perfect fit: BodyCandy body jewelry blog body {background-image: URL (;} Background-color: # e5e5e5; Background-position: top left; Background-attachment: Scroll; {Background-repeat: repeat-X;}# featured images Rotator {background: url('');}}# Featured image rotator, # featured image rotator-wrapper {width: 780px;} Height: 200px; {Text-align: left;}# featured images Rotator container .featured images link-overlay {height: 200px;} Width: 780px; Position: absolute; Top: 0; {Display: block;}# featured images Rotator container .featured-images-link {text-decoration: none;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay {width: 780px;} Position: absolute; bottom: 0; Text-align: Center; Padding: px; {Display: block;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay-header {width: 100%;} Color: # ff0000; {Font-size: px;}# featured images Rotator container .featured images title overlay subheading {width: 100%;} Color: # ff0000; {Font-size: px;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay-header {padding-bottom: px;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay-header a {color: # ff0000;} Font-size: px; {Line-height: 1;}# one featured images Rotator container .featured images title overlay subheading {color: # ff0000;} Font-size: px; {Line-height: 1;}Jun29Nose ring sizing: How to make a perfect FitBy Lorna

There are six basic materials, the most nose rings of be: stainless steel, gold, silver, titanium, bio-plastic and acrylic.  You can be found in Platinum, glass, and carved organic materials like bones, but these media are generally expensive and harder to get.

Nose Rings - Different Materials

After you select a material, there are four things that you know have to to get the perfect nose ring.  The first is style.  The four common nose ring styles are the nose bone, nose screw, L-shape and the tyres.  Nose bones are a short, straight piece with a slightly larger ball-like top, which contains it in place, while nose screws from the corkscrew type curve at the end in be kept.  L-shaped nose rings are required, instead of 90 degree angle base and nose tires are either moving with a small opening, which prevents that they fall out, or grown the small disk at one end that contains them in the nose.

Common Nose Jewelry Styles

There is also a element on the market a custom fit nose ring, which is a piercer meant split into a fish-tail and shortened, shaped and bent required.  This type of jewelry can not there is to be worn, because it's extra long (19 mm or 3/4), and has no design in position to keep.

Fishtail Nose Rings

First you need to know, above the gauge size of the element.  Standard sizing for nose rings is usually a 20 meter; This means that the thickness of the part that goes through the piercing as is 8 mm.  Nose piercings can be done gauge (1 mm thickness) in a slightly larger 18, or for some Indian style piercings, a tiny 22 overpressure (only about. 65 millimetres thickness).  To know that the correct size measurement is incredibly important to make sure the element fits comfortably without slip out.

Nose Ring Gauge Sizes

As soon as the device has been established, you need to know, sizing for the ring itself.  The length of a nose ring sizing is the length of the part, which shows actually by your piercing, not including any part, or resting on the nose and is measured from the base of the gemstone or decoration, the curve turn or sphere.  Average is about 6 mm, but for those who have something thinner or thicker nose cartilage 5 mm and 7 mm are easily accessible.  Other sizes to provide, in non-traditional areas of the nostril be can custom made or created from a fish-tail element.

Measuring Nose Rings for Length

Nose hoops is not resizing but as diameter than length to be measured.  This is the measurement of the widest part of the tyres from inside edge, inside edge.  5 / 16 (8 Mm) or 3 / 8 (10 mm) is the standard for sizing here.

Nose Hoop Diameter Sizes

The last element perfectly your nose ring size is the most aesthetically important: the size of gem or decoration which will show.  There are nose rings are called "micro nose rings" out there, the extremely small decoration (usually a gemstone), but for the most part nose rings are decorative tips in three basic sizes, 1.5 mm, 2 mm and 2.5 mm.  Some non-geometric shapes may be up to about 3.5 mm in its dimensions, but generally not greater.

Nose Ring Gem Sizes

Now you can focus on the perfect nose ring, which beautify, improve, and comfortably fit your specific nose!

Categories: Body fashion jewelry information, body jewelry materials, facial piercings, fashion jewelry, jewelry sizing, nose piercings can be a ReplyClick here to cancel reply.

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In the first year and are to think of medicine!

In the first year and are to think of medicine!

I've just finished first year medicine... but in the not entirely happy with it. I've been this debate for months and look at changing courses at the mathematical sciences. I love what we study, to learn his hard work and his fascinating but I think only my heart is no longer in it. I not only have that drive and passion for medicine, which had to and works as a doctor. I compare myself with my fellow students. Medicine is anything that you want. Talk about everything. They have so much drive and motivation. You love it. Me on the other hand, I like what I study, but I love it. I have not only that "Drive", which have the others. I've changed so much in the last two years, and now I've realized medicine may not be for me. The only thought of the years after years of training and work for something I just plain like expenditure. To get through medicine and to be a doctor, you have to love it.

However, a big step to say you are going to fall. I worked so hard to get into med school, I feel as in the this oppurtunity to waste. In the guarantees also not that mathematics is the right way to go.

You say if I med those five years school completed what I at with medicine could do? What other options are open to me, or is it right for me now out? At the end of the day, I think I will go into mathematics, I think I need a few words of encouragement that this is right for me to do.

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How to show your patriotic style

How to show your patriotic style

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How to Show Off Your Patriotic Style Kidzworld Logo log insign up today! forgot your username?
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The Fourth of July is the perfect time to show off how proud you are to be an American. So toss your black hoodie aside and take a look at these Independence Day fashion alternatives. It's all about the red, white and blue, baby!

Previous Next Fourth of July Fashion
Fourth of July Fashion Fourth of July Fashion
Fourth of July Fashion Fourth of July Fashion
Fourth of July Fashion 1 2 3

Proud to Be American

Every year, clothing stores across the country try to cash in on the abundance of American pride. The only problem is, there are a ton of ugly T-shirts out there that you wouldn't want to be seen wearing. That's where Old Navy and American Eagle can help you out. They both have their own US lines with great shirts, shorts, hats and more. They're cheap and look great with shorts or a denim skirt. Hit up their sites at and

Star-Spangled Sandals

If you're heading to the beach this Independence Day, why not slip into some star-spangled sandals? Score yourself a pair of American flag flip flops at your local Old Navy or a similar retailer, but if they're not your thing, you can just as easily put patriotic pride in your stride with red, white or blue sneakers.

American Accessories

For those of you who aren't too crazy about getting all decked out in American garb for the holiday, throw on a flag-inspired accessory to add a touch of flair to your outfit. Whether it's a hat, belt, necklace, or sunglasses, you'll be sure to catch someone's eye!

Related StoriesIndependence Day :: The Fourth of JulyIndependence Day GamesQuiz! Test Your Wacky State Trivia I.Q.More on Style Street! readers voted! Love12Hate4 Comments JuniorShooter 2.0

JuniorShooter 2.0 wrote:
Go to "Ranger Up" and buy their declaration of dependence" t shirt.
commented: Tue Jun 28, 2011


gen.e1234 wrote:
commented: Tue Jun 28, 2011


shiney wrote:
Im Indian n proud of it!!
commented: Sat May 07, 2011

Replythere are3 more comments

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master_of_puppetz says:
I want to have a big Dragon tattoo on my left shoulder and neck ^-^I hate piercing -_-

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i love brandon

i love brandon says:
i want my nose and lip pierst and i want 3 tattos a heart on my wrist a rose on my leg and a butt...

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flickalover says:
you're right or they'll talk about bad things like when I see you I'm gonna kiss or

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stewiegriffin2 says:
man my mom wont let me get a tatoo and im 17

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Fan of Kaka

Fan of Kaka says:
I agree with that. ;)

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