It took a while....

8:18 Publicado por Mario Galarza

By Joshulyn, Morrow, GA.

It all began almost 3 years when I was 12 and I thought that a belly ring was so cool. I asked my mother, one I could if I 16 and they said that she will think about it.

Fast forward as in the 14th century. It came in March the blue say, that I could get it done. I was excited, thinks that I it that Saturday could get. But the days and weeks passed, and I still havent gotten it yet. So if I was looking for out of school for summer I to places I could go, it's done. Then I was my mother Sunday on the day before Memorial day she asked from work to see whether I could get it done. She said yes.

Had said on Monday (Memorial Day) my mother take a ride with me, and she drove me to a tattoo shop. We signed the papers and I took a silver belly bar with red diamonds. My birthstone, then he went to sterilize it. After a few minutes of went told me and my mother at the back to come. I laid down on this doctor such as bed or table, what is it, and he cleaned from my belly button. He was then selected the Needleready. All, I felt that was the needle go and what you know, was next, my mother, as "don't you cry AWW." I like my belly ring, but I can hardly wait to change it.

Visit belly button rings guide shop.

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