Comprehensive users lead to the Belly Piercing: part 4

10:27 Publicado por Mario Galarza

The user guide for Belly Piercing: part 4: BodyCandy body jewelry blog body {background-image: URL (;} Background-color: # e5e5e5; Background-position: top left; Background-attachment: Scroll; {Background-repeat: repeat-X;}# featured images Rotator {background: url('');}}# Featured image rotator, # featured image rotator-wrapper {width: 780px;} Height: 200px; {Text-align: left;}# featured images Rotator container .featured images link-overlay {height: 200px;} Width: 780px; Position: absolute; Top: 0; {Display: block;}# featured images Rotator container .featured-images-link {text-decoration: none;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay {width: 780px;} Position: absolute; bottom: 0; Text-align: Center; Padding: px; {Display: block;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay-header {width: 100%;} Color: # ff0000; {Font-size: px;}# featured images Rotator container .featured images title overlay subheading {width: 100%;} Color: # ff0000; {Font-size: px;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay-header {padding-bottom: px;}# featured images Rotator container .featured pictures title overlay-header a {color: # ff0000;} Font-size: px; {Line-height: 1;}# one featured images Rotator container .featured images title overlay subheading {color: # ff0000;} Font-size: px; {Line-height: 1;}Users comprehensive Jun24The lead to the Belly Piercing: part 4by Lorna

Even if it is cured, a piercing, only a few months old is prone to irritation, can be especially in the stifling heat of the summer.  Dangling belly rings with fancy large designs or long decorative are easy on clothes, towels, trapped and only God knows what else, so sticking with simplicity seems the way to go.  In, the mind (because I know how hard choose a simple banana Bell can be and seem like bland regular belly rings), I have decided some evidence, some style, that he simply this season while still in the stylish share.  Are you ready?

The comprehensive lead users to the Belly Piercing part 4: summer belly ring style guide

Would you like some summer belly rings, which are subtle for day without boring?  We've covered it.  There are three things with a worry-free standard belly ring, that style to do to is set high you without: lights or sparkle, go for natural gems add or spiral-it up.

Sparkle and Shien Belly Rings

A little shimmer keeps your body jewellery fall flat while still persist, that effortless simplicity, and opt for a spiral barbell, rather than a banana Bell adds interest to the design without dangling items, the activities it could get caught.

Spiral Twister Style Belly Rings

Also, natural stone belly rings are not only a big trend right now, but they are friendly eco-friendly, skin and improve all look with beautiful organic tones.  Hot sounds now: ducks, turquoise and foam (perfect for the summer, because they mimic the Ocean).

Natural Stone Belly Button Rings

For special occasions on which wanted a dead belly ring? Go you for something that shows a playful spirit with light, summery colours and are looking for you after dangling, which include elements of sea, Sun, flowers or anything that you feel summer is.  The idea is to throw a seasonal reference, without always cartoony or even extravagant.

Belly Rings With Dangles

And the perfect belly ring for a summer beach party or a hot night?  Neon or glows in the dark.  Neon rings are belly super fun for warm nights out, if you to be your belly at the center of attention and Spice the pop of color, which can add them either up a solid white or black ensemble or lighten and improve an already colorful look.  And if you are out on the beach or Campfire under clear, dark night sky glow the dark belly rings are an awesome accessory that is sure to get noticed.  Party time!

Glow in the Dark Belly Button RingsNeon Belly Button Rings


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