Help with history controlled evaluation (China)?

6:38 Publicado por Mario Galarza

I'm doing the Edexcel part A CA for history and the essay title is this:

The mass of the success of the great leap forward.
Focus either
Effects on society or
Effects on the economy

My teacher said this question means, that you on the objectives of the GLF to write, and assess whether each target was a make or break. Then, link, that is, for the society again, objective: to increase industrial production. Industrial production has failed. This affects the society because people starved to death.

But I read the question more so one type thing 'The degree of success of the GLF to society'... more like: _ happened during the GLF, which was a success/failure for the company as _

In fact, what should I to assess (say, whether it was successful or not)? The GLF targets (fulfilled/not fulfilled), or the effects of GLF on society (bad/good)?

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