iPhone only suposed to last 2 years?

3:17 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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Handsets, networks, mobile telephony-related items and the conversations you've overheard on the train. Old 44 Minutes Ago: 24th October 2011 15:14   iPhone only suposed to last 2 years? I had an iPhone 3G on a two year contract with 02, the contract ended earlier this month and I decided to get my new phone with Orange instead.
Anyway my dad wanted my old 3G so I put his 02 pay as you go sim card into it, it worked for about 20minutes then froze and switched itself off. Then wouldn't switch back on.

I went into the Apple store and got an appointment. I was told that because the phone is really old, it's just come to the end of it's life. WTF.
The phone is only 2 years old, how the hell can that be classed as REALLY OLD?
Are iPhones only suposed to last 2 years? my mam has a £20 tesco mobile which she's had for 5 years FFS and yet Apple are charging hundreds of pounds for a phone which is only suposed to last a couple of years?

They said I could pay them something like £118 or £180 (I didn't catch what he said properly) and they would replace the phone. I just thought F-that! so not worth it.

Has anyone else experienced something like this? I find it ridiculous that after only two years Apple think it's okay for the phone to just switch itself off and give up.

EDIT: WTF why did I get negged for this? I am telling you what the bloke who works in the Apple store told me.

Last edited by RainbowDoll; 35 Minutes Ago at 15:24. Old 22 Minutes Ago: 24th October 2011 15:36   Re: iPhone only suposed to last 2 years? Some people neg for no reason.

No go the apple store and demand they fix it...if it's on contract they should....as long as the contract hasn't ended.

Old 1 Minute Ago: 24th October 2011 15:57   Re: iPhone only suposed to last 2 years? I had the original iphone and only replaced it about 2 weeks ago...

it lasted me 4 years, has fallen in swimming pools, off climbing walls, etc...and it survived fine....

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