RAF pilot application after the reconquest of a level

23:03 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Old48 Minutes ago: 26 October 2011 00: 15 Jamie_T -1 RAF pilot application after the reconquest of a level Hi,.

I'm your opinion about my situation in a RAF application. I was working time while studying for my A-levels. But I was offered a full-time position and decided to take it. After working for a while I decided, for the RAF as a technician aircraft is considered, what happened to oversubscribed. Desire to be, because I remember me I feel about my decision to pilot, full time except instead of studying. I would be overjoyed, if I could as an aircraft technician working, but at the same time regret not ready is my A-levels, which is all that I ever wanted, are to be applied as a pilot.

What do you think I should do? Wait until I can as an aircraft technician appy? or to repeat my A-levels and a pilot? See underexposed my A-levels as weakness against my application?

Thank you in advance for any replies.

Old7 Minutes ago: 26 October 2011 00: 57 Re: RAF pilot application to underexposed a level Hi,.

I'm your opinion about my situation in a RAF application. I was working time while studying for my A-levels. But I was offered a full-time position and decided to take it. After working for a while I decided, for the RAF as a technician aircraft is considered, what happened to oversubscribed. Desire to be, because I remember me I feel about my decision to pilot, full time except instead of studying. I would be overjoyed, if I could as an aircraft technician working, but at the same time regret not ready is my A-levels, which is all that I ever wanted, are to be applied as a pilot.

What do you think I should do? Wait until I can as an aircraft technician appy? or to repeat my A-levels and a pilot? See underexposed my A-levels as weakness against my application?

Thank you in advance for any replies.

You want a pilot to be. That is, you want an officer role. Chances are you would be unhappy in the a-tech role and be always looking upwards. Why sell itself short, if you have a higher purpose?

Get the A-level, but do it well. Remember, you would have against humans, the degree. Enter the RAF select a reason for you. Have passed a good explanation about what with your A-level of the first painting and why it happened.

In particular; Keep in mind that the pilot branch is currently closed and will remain at least for the next year - more than likely also as. If you i.e., probably wait until 2013 for a job, go for it then to the most competitive in the country. If you only in the RAF, then go for a/c-tech.

All military roles are currently oversubscribed. And those who are not closed. This is just something you have to deal with.

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