Manchester - to studenty?

14:26 Publicado por Mario Galarza

I am a student in Manchester at the moment, and while I think, Manchester is a way of life for students, I am struggling to see how Manchester would well in last financial life. People groups of Manchester as a city, but I honestly do not believe that it is a large city as a whole.

The nightlife is here - great many clubs that are great value for money. So many affordable and reasonable nights out. But apart from that what really have to offer Manchester? So many run down areas, and there's very little in the centre next to clubs and bars. The Manchester Museum was nothing impressive, Espesh compared to the museums, to find it in London. The Northern quarter, when I have been, has just expensive and quite empty, with the shops in there with a nothing special... not really the trendy promise I introduced me.

Nightlife is good, varied and affordable - but now, I grew up and want to go only at night, and again, is it not much, the city has to offer that. There are no major attractions, nor seems to be much to do it during the day. The last time I went to sit in a park, there was a fight between some school children and the police have called! Areas can so in parts, rectangular Curry mile is awful to walk in, with men screaming obscenities at any woman who see them!

A young studenty town. Would be not in the a student in Manchester really not fun?

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